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7. October, 2006Testing out the rich life![]() I didn’t go on holiday during the mid autumn festival, but it’s no problem having a good time in Shanghai anyway, at least in the high society. This day money were not an issue. I went everywhere by taxi, spent the day in next to Eivind’s pool, later he threw a party, drinking champagne, and we all ended up drunk on Shanghai’s most expensive bar called Bar Rouge that has a fantastic view over the Huang Pu river. 尝试挥霍的生活 假期里,虽然我没有去外地,但是并足以不影响到我在这段时间里所拥有的好时光。不在自己还拥有多少钱,就这样挥霍了一整天。去任何地方都是打的,先在Eivind家附近的私人游泳池游泳,然后在他的私人派对喝香槟,最后在上海最贵酒吧—Bar Rouge,喝得醉醺醺。 尝试[嘗試] ¹chángshì* v. attempt; try | Wǒ ∼zhe xiě xiǎoshuō. I'm trying to write a novel. 挥霍[揮-] ¹huīhuò* v. squander / waste money 并 [bìng] (F併) combine, merge; (F並) and; equally; truly [bīng] 并州 足以 zúyǐ* v.p. sufficient/enough to 影响到[-響-] yǐngxiǎngdào r.v. have influence on 拥有[擁-] yōngyǒu v. possess; have; own 时光[時-] shíguāng n. ①time ②times; years; days ③current circumstances 一整天 yīzhěngtiān n. whole day 任何 rènhé* attr. any; whatever 私人 ¹sīrén* n. ①personal friend/relative ②confidant ③one's own man 派对[-對] pàiduì n. 〈loan〉 party; gathering 香槟[-檳] xiāngbīn* n. 〈loan〉 champagne 醉醺醺//薰薰 zuìxūnxūn r.f. sottish; drunk; tipsy Written by Shanghaiet @ 14:53. 0 comment(s) Hard rock – no sleep?![]() After many hours of high volume and music like ACDC and Metallica, the neigbour finally had enough. Frankly it was enough for myself too, but we were heading out anyway. 重金属摇滚乐 —使人不能入眠? 在许多小时的高分贝的摇滚乐以后,邻居不能入眠。对我来说也不喜欢, 所以我们很高兴地外出。 生词 重金属[--屬] zhòngjīnshǔ n. 〈chem.〉 heavy metal 摇滚乐[搖滾樂] yáogǔnyuè n. 〈loan〉 rock 'n roll 使人 ¹shǐrén v.o. cause people to be | ∼ nánshòu make people feel bad 入眠 rùmián v.o. fall asleep 分贝[-貝] fēnbèi m. 〈phy.〉 decibel (db) 邻居[鄰-] línjū n. neighbor M:ge/¹míng/²wèi Written by Shanghaiet @ 14:29. 0 comment(s) Strolling in Gongqing forest park![]() Shanghai has some green lounges, and Gongqing is a great place with a big area of forest, clean air, many activities and you can even use throw away barbeques (essential picnic gear for any Norwegian). Janet, a Swedish friend I know from Fudan last semester joined me along with her flatmate Ryna. We have all studied half a year, and persist studying (/party?) hard. 散步在上海的共青森林公园。 共青森林公园里面很大,有空气新鲜,还可以烤肉(一次性烤肉架在挪威特别流行)。 我和Janet, 一个瑞典的朋友跟他的法国同屋Ryna一起到那里去。我们都一起学过半年汉语,一起坚持努力学习。 Written by Shanghaiet @ 14:19. 0 comment(s) 4. October, 2006"Wine festival Shanghai¡"![]() Well, it doesn't take a lot to call something a wine festival these days, but I was happy to meet 3 Chinese producers and taste 6 wines. My favorite was this sparkling Muscat from "Dynasty", 2 bottles will be brought to Eivind on Friday where we co-host a party (I'm the chef). Apart from drinking this wine straight, I recommend to try the variant "Kir Royale" – mix it with a fifth blackcurrant liquor. 酒节日 在虹口酒节日我见面了3个酒产品公司,尝6个酒。最好是这酒"Dynasty"做的。 Written by Shanghaiet @ 08:38. 0 comment(s) 1. October, 2006Business as usual![]() I went out to see how the national day looked like. I was surprised to find out that all shops were open just like any other day, indeed even the banks on a Sunday and on a national day were open! However along the road and on a few cars there were Chinese flags, and I saw some fireworks (archive photo - flower festival). 平时商务的 我想出去看看国庆节怎么样的。走在街上,我惊奇的发现商店都开门着,甚至银行都有开门。在挪威银行星期天是不开门的,国庆节也是不开门的。我看到马路边上悬挂着许多的国旗,汽车上也插着不少的国旗。还有最后的燃放烟花。 Written by Shanghaiet @ 15:06. 0 comment(s) Happy national day!![]() Today is China's national day, and we celebrate the foundation of China as we know it today, by Chairman Mao Zhe Dong on October 1st 1949. These days things are going very well in China, so there's good reason to celebrate. Chen Liangyu (picture), the top Communist Party official in Shanghai, has limited reason to celebrate though, as he was sacked earlier this week, on the basis of corruption alegations. This way current president Ju Hintao both asserts his power, and removes a political rival. PS: a friend of me proposed I should add something like "long live the glorious Ju Hintao" to make this politically correct, but I would rather just state that I have no political interest, nor opinion. More about the case: http://www.timesonline.co.uk/article/0,,25689-2374182,00.html/ 祝大家国庆节快乐! 今天是中国的国庆节,1949年10月1日已故主席毛泽东宣布中华人民共和国成立。全国发展一片大好,所以值得庆祝。不过上海市长陈良宇(照片)就没有心情庆祝了,因为这个星期他被炒鱿鱼了!罪名是贪污,所以中央撤了他市委书记的职务。 Written by Shanghaiet @ 11:20. 0 comment(s) Previous Page |