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1. October, 2006

Happy national day!

Today is China's national day, and we celebrate the foundation of China as we know it today, by Chairman Mao Zhe Dong on October 1st 1949. These days things are going very well in China, so there's good reason to celebrate. Chen Liangyu (picture), the top Communist Party official in Shanghai, has limited reason to celebrate though, as he was sacked earlier this week, on the basis of corruption alegations. This way current president Ju Hintao both asserts his power, and removes a political rival. PS: a friend of me proposed I should add something like "long live the glorious Ju Hintao" to make this politically correct, but I would rather just state that I have no political interest, nor opinion.

More about the case:


Written by Shanghaiet @ 11:20. 0 comment(s)

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