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7. October, 2006

Hard rock – no sleep?

After many hours of high volume and music like ACDC and Metallica, the
neigbour finally had enough. Frankly it was enough for myself too, but
we were heading out anyway.

重金属摇滚乐 —使人不能入眠?
在许多小时的高分贝的摇滚乐以后,邻居不能入眠。对我来说也不喜欢, 所以我们很高兴地外出。

重金属[--屬] zhòngjīnshǔ n. 〈chem.〉 heavy metal
摇滚乐[搖滾樂] yáogǔnyuè n. 〈loan〉 rock 'n roll
使人 ¹shǐrén v.o. cause people to be | ∼ nánshòu make people feel bad
入眠 rùmián v.o. fall asleep
分贝[-貝] fēnbèi m. 〈phy.〉 decibel (db)
邻居[鄰-] línjū n. neighbor M:ge/¹míng/²wèi
Written by Shanghaiet @ 14:29. 0 comment(s)

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