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7. October, 2006

Testing out the rich life

I didn’t go on holiday during the mid autumn festival, but it’s no problem having a good time in Shanghai anyway, at least in the high society. This day money were not an issue. I went everywhere by taxi, spent the day in next to Eivind’s pool, later he threw a party, drinking champagne, and we all ended up drunk on Shanghai’s most expensive bar called Bar Rouge that has a fantastic view over the Huang Pu river.


假期里,虽然我没有去外地,但是并足以不影响到我在这段时间里所拥有的好时光。不在自己还拥有多少钱,就这样挥霍了一整天。去任何地方都是打的,先在Eivind家附近的私人游泳池游泳,然后在他的私人派对喝香槟,最后在上海最贵酒吧—Bar Rouge,喝得醉醺醺。

尝试[嘗試] ¹chángshì* v. attempt; try | Wǒ ∼zhe xiě xiǎoshuō. I'm trying to write a novel.
挥霍[揮-] ¹huīhuò* v. squander / waste money
并 [bìng] (F併) combine, merge; (F並) and; equally; truly [bīng] 并州
足以 zúyǐ* v.p. sufficient/enough to
影响到[-響-] yǐngxiǎngdào r.v. have influence on
拥有[擁-] yōngyǒu v. possess; have; own
时光[時-] shíguāng n. ①time ②times; years; days ③current circumstances
一整天 yīzhěngtiān n. whole day
任何 rènhé* attr. any; whatever
私人 ¹sīrén* n. ①personal friend/relative ②confidant ③one's own man
派对[-對] pàiduì n. 〈loan〉 party; gathering
香槟[-檳] xiāngbīn* n. 〈loan〉 champagne
醉醺醺//薰薰 zuìxūnxūn r.f. sottish; drunk; tipsy
Written by Shanghaiet @ 14:53. 0 comment(s)

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