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30. September, 2006

CCTV "international"

CCTV (Central China TeleVision - government controlled) has one
English Channel - CCTV International (/CCTV9). I especially enjoy are
the travel programs "Getaway" and "Travelogue". However I just
realized they only (almost) show destinations in China (foreign
"travel destinations" are primarily shown in the news as "sites of
terrorist attacks"). Indeed their slogan is "A world of travel in
China", and this is often reflected in public opinion, "why should we
go abroad, we have everything here (partly true though)."


Written by Shanghaiet @ 05:58. 0 comment(s)

27. September, 2006

Chinese name - Bei La Hua

All people that have something to do with China must have a Chinese name, so I decided to make one right away for my daughter. My own name for example is “Jiang Hao De” with the characters of “river, mighty and morality”. For “Isabella Fiore” I decided to make use of the pronunciation of “Bella” and the name’s meaning “beautiful flower” (Italian words). Since she comes from the north I chose “Bei” with the character meaning north, “La” with the meaning of good looking / hot-spicy, and “Hua” means flower. Thus the beautiful girl from north…

中国名字 - 北辣花

在中国,外国人都有中国的名字,所以我就给我的女儿也取了一个。她的挪威的名字是“Isabella Fiore” (意大利语)。“北辣”是“Bella”的发音,还有另外的意思是:漂亮的花,所以我又加了“花”在她的名字上。最后她是一个来自北方的热
Written by Shanghaiet @ 07:39. 0 comment(s)

My daughter - Isabella Fiore

Recently a former girlfriend of mine contacted me with some surprising news. The relationship was brief, but no less fruitful, I’d become father to a lovely girl. She was borne on November 16th last year. This photo is taken shortly after her birth, and no doubts she has some traits of her (handsome?) father. I won’t speculate in why I was not told before, but the most important for both of us is that Isabella now will have a relationship to her genetic father. Of course I’m exited, but at the same time, it will not influence my intensions to stay 5+ years in China (pending I can make a living).

我的女儿 ——北辣花

Written by Shanghaiet @ 07:38. 0 comment(s)

Look who’s walking!

To look closer at the miracle girl 10 months old, I sent my brother to pay a visit (they both live in Oslo). Kids grow fast these days, and mine is no exception, especially since the baby I just learnt that I have, all by a sudden grew so much. She tends to be a little naughty (like me?), but is smiling a lot. From what I know about her mother Christina Dybvik, she should be in very good hands! I look forward to see them both during Christmas or Spring break.


Written by Shanghaiet @ 07:37. 0 comment(s)

24. September, 2006

The yellow streets of Shanghai

Chinese have a very relaxed attitude to dirt on their streeds, and although a more common sight rurally, many kids still have a crack in their pants in order to pee anytime on the ground.
Written by Shanghaiet @ 12:08. 0 comment(s)

20. September, 2006

Prison break!

A fugitive on the run (from my room mate across the hallway) were capture on my floor.
Written by Shanghaiet @ 15:41. 0 comment(s)


Zhejiang province – Shuangfeng Senlin Gongyuan

This weekend I went on a fairly light trek 8 hours by bus south of
Shanghai. The scenery was great, but a little overly prepared for
tourists, and the sense of being in the wilderness was reduced by
paying an entrance fee when entering the area. However we had a nice
trip, and I was especially happy to see again 2 of my friends from my
previous mountain trip: Wang He and Li Hong.


Written by Shanghaiet @ 15:32. 0 comment(s)

The local guide

To ensure the safety and finding the right paths we had our own guide.
He clearly knew what he was doing, and I was especially happy as he
described me as a particularly helpful and positive team member.


为了安全的和对山路的了解,我们雇了一位向导。 他很好,和跟我说:"你是好汉,你有很多爬山的经验,也经常帮助别的队员。"
Written by Shanghaiet @ 15:31. 0 comment(s)


On the camping ground we met another group. They were very nice and
lent me a headlight for a while as I had forgotten my own. However
there were not only harmony, as one of the other group were very drunk
and unhappy about all and nothing. The situation was tense, and our
own plans to become a little drunk culminated when he concluding a
series of negative remarks with a harsh "go home" (to Norway).


Written by Shanghaiet @ 14:16. 0 comment(s)


This grasshopper was a peculiar and moved its head in a very graceful
way. Not long before I saw one in 3 dimensions in a Panasonic IMAX
theatre in the movie "Bugs," but reality provided another few


Written by Shanghaiet @ 14:14. 0 comment(s)

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