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12. October, 2006

An authentic Brauhaus (Beerhouse)

Octoberfest band was flown in all the way from Germany, whose purpose
may be that the crowds must get so drunk they don't pay attention to
this a times quite tiresome music style. To further add to it's
authenticity Paulainer also had brewed a special Octoberfest beer in
it's micro brewery.

在乎 zàihu v. ①care about; mind | Nǐ ∼ bù ∼ wǒ yòng nǐ de diànnǎo? Do
you mind if I use your computer? ②lie in; rest with
好坏[-壞] hǎo-huài n. good and bad
Written by Shanghaiet @ 14:31. 0 comment(s)

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