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19. October, 2006

The past “24 hours”

During the recent holidays I started watching the TV series ”24 hours – season 5” with Jack Bauer and his crew. This exhilarating action series is slightly addictive, and results in much more action on the TV screen than outside of it. In a brief contact with the real world, that I now intend to return to, I came across two of my former classmates from Fudan that had some pretty good job offers at their hands. I’m far from that and ready to make amends during the last two months before Christmas. At the same time I realize that my financial situation allows for one more semester, just as much as my Chinese needs it to reach a desired level of fluency. Nothing is impossible, and now it’s just up to me to accomplish as much as “Jack” in 24 hours (that shit was real, no??).

我终于看完了电视连戏剧“反恐24小时– 第五季”,杰克和他的伙伴。看这电视连戏剧会有一点儿上瘾,在剧中有很多精彩的动作和场面,但糟糕的是在剧外却没有。现在我开始辛苦的学习,还找工作。我现在还没有决定明年该怎么办。一切都没有不可能,现在我就要像杰克在24小时的时间里,有效率的做着一切事情(在电视上的都是真的吧?)

终于[終於] ¹zhōngyú* adv. at (long) last; in the end; finally
戏剧[戲劇] ¹xìjù* n. drama; play; theater
伙/火伴[伙/火-] ¹huǒbàn* n. partner; companion
上瘾[-癮] shàngyǐn* v.o. be addicted (to sth.)
动作[動-] dòngzuò n. movement; motion; action ◆v. act; start moving ◆suf. -ation
场面[場-] chǎngmiàn* n. ①scene; spectacle ②occasion ③appearance; facade ④scope
却[卻] ¹què* adv. ①but; yet ②indeed
效率 xiàolǜ* n. ①efficiency; productiveness②〈lg.〉 validity
事情 shìqing* n. affair; matter; thing; business
Written by Shanghaiet @ 15:31. 0 comment(s)

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