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20. November, 2007

Morning rush at the Metro

The rush hour in Shanghai is something for "specially interested". I
live a little far from work as it is in the middle between my office and
my girlfriends university. Anyway, some of the subways you simply have
to let pass you by, but it is incredible how you can squeeze in if you
really want to!

Rushtrafikken i Shanghai er noe for spesielt interesserte. Jeg bor litt
langt unna kontoret, eller rettere sagt midt mellom det og universitetet
til kjæresten. Noen t-baner må man bare la gå forbi, men det er også
utrolig hvordan man kan trenge seg med hvis man virkelig vil.
Written by Shanghaiet @ 10:26. 0 comment(s)

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