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29. May, 2006

Shengzhe - the silk town

Shengze, has the Chinese biggest silk specialized market-China Eastern Silk market. There is the whole silk pipeline from silk reeling, silk spinning-weaving-dyeing and printing-finishing-garment to accessories etc.
And there are integrated production networks of researching, developing, producing, distributing, trading, information. There’re over 900 silk textile companies with sales income of 12billion yuan. Annual output of silk and silk-like products is 1.8billion meters, up to 1/10 of the national amount. Now silk industry amount is up to 90% of the whole town industry.

Er Shengze (/Suzhou), silkeveiens vugge? Andre sentra har til dels overtatt produksjon i store volum, men noe av den aller høyeste kvalitets silken kommer fortsatt herfra, og leveres til kongelige / keiserlige. Slips av meget høy kvalitet, og mønstre som 3 dimensjoner går for under femtilappen hvis man kjøper i store kvanta.

Written by Shanghaiet @ 13:14. 0 comment(s)

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