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6. November, 2006Fresh foodFresh food Have you ever been chasing crazy shrimps jumping around in your kitchen, and then eating those 10 minutes later? That’s when you know you are eating fresh food. The shrimps are here being prepared (killed) by my roommate’s girlfriend. 新鲜食物 你曾经吃过这么新鲜的基围虾吗,如此多的虾被养在盆子里,它们在厨房间里尽情地跳着,但是十分钟后它们就将被我们吃掉。你瞧,这些虾正在被我室友的女朋友准备着下锅。 生词 曾经[-經] céngjīng adv. once; ever 虾(F蝦) [xiā] shrimp 如此 rúcǐ* v.p. thus; like this; such 尽情[盡-] ¹jìnqíng* adv. as much as one likes 吃掉 chīdiào r.v. ①eat up; take ②annihilate; wipe out ③absorb; incorporate 下锅[-鍋] xiàguō* v.o. put into a pot/pan/wok Written by Shanghaiet @ 15:25. 0 comment(s) |