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11. March, 2009

Me'n bro in Malaysia

2009-02-28 MaLaYSIa (sin) 028.jpg
The two last weeks of February, my brother came to pick me up in Shanghai, and together we went on to Malaysia (Taman Neagara national park, Perhentian Islands, Tioman Islands) and Singapore.
Find the whole story (70 pictures) at http://www.toranders.com/blog

De to siste ukene i Februar, kom Tor Anders hele veien fra Oslo for å plukke meg opp i Shanghai, og sammen dro vi på en rundreise til Malaysia (Taman Neagara nasjonal park, Perhentian øyene, Tioman Øyene) og Singapore.
For hele historeien (70 bilder), se http://www.toranders.com/blog
Written by Shanghaiet @ 04:16. 0 comment(s)

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