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25. November, 2008

Birthday dinner at Sayzierya

Now with the world economic crisis and all I decided to have my birthday
gathering at an Italian budget restaurant. Anyway it was just across the
office, we had our own table/room, and with some 50 dishes and 4 bottles of
wine, the price less than a 1000 rmb/nok was well worth it, thanks to all 15
friends coming together.
Restaurant link: http://www.saizeriya.com.cn/cn/index/

Nå med finanskrisen og det hele bestemte jeg meg for å ha en liten markering
av min 33års dag på den Italienske "budget restauranten" Saizeriya, praktisk
lokalisert for de fleste, og ok mat for enhver smak, det beste er kanskje
den rimelige Lambrusco vinen (musserende rød/rose) fra Italia, og hele
gildet for gruppen på 15 kom på under 1000 rmb/kr. Takk til alle gode venner
som stilte opp.
Written by Shanghaiet @ 15:34. 0 comment(s)

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