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20. June, 2009

Open air folk museum

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The 4 of us travelling together, mum, dad, XiaoMei and me. First attraction up was a “cultural village”. Actually a pretty good place, but unfortunately also a tourist trap in the sense that it was far too much people, the taxi recommended it (for God knows how much commission from the park), and the park was full of handcrafts/ souvenirs that you were pushed into buying.

Vi fire reisende, mamma, papa, Veslemøy og meg. Første attraksjonen på turen var en ”kulturell landsbygd” (ala Maihaugen). Egentlig ett ganske bra sted, hvis det ikke også en turistfelle iom alt for mange folk, taxien pushet det på oss (for gudene vet hvor høy provisjon), og attraksjonen var full av selgere som skulle prakke på håndverk og souvernierer.
Written by Shanghaiet @ 07:37. 0 comment(s)

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