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15. October, 2006

Schoolmates getting together

My class decided to have a party at a Japanese restaurant, and we were
very happy that 3 out of our 5 teachers could join us. Here at a sober
moment before the food and the alcohol has arrived. Japanese "all you
can eat and drink" is always fun, and with our group I don't think the
restaurant had much profit..



食物 ¹shíwù n. food; edibles
开心[開-] kāixīn* v.o. ①feel happy; rejoice ②make fun of sb. ③be sincere
to others ④enlighten | Bié ná wǒ ∼. Don't make fun of me. ◆s.v. happy
带来[帶來] dàilái r.v. bring; bring about
利润[-潤] lìrùn n. profit
Written by Shanghaiet @ 07:39. 0 comment(s)

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