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16. January, 2007

Guess who was Santa Clause?

I was “honored” to be Santa this year, however I was not very convincing
according to my father. Anyway we put up a good show for the kids, and at
least 2 year old Jens Martin was a little confused about who this odd fellow
might be. In the end so many presents were distributed that 7 year old
Ferdinand commented he had gotten too many presents (at once).


他们很喜欢,只是两岁的Jens Martin 有点混淆。最后这样多礼物都被分配给了7岁的

扮演 bànyǎn* v. play the part of; act
例外 lìwài* n. exception
混淆 hùnxiáo* v. blur; confuse; mix up ◆attr. mixed
分配 fēnpèi v. distribute; allot; assign ◆n. 〈econ.〉 distribution
Written by Shanghaiet @ 04:51. 0 comment(s)

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