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20. June, 2009

Chewing Betel makes you slightly csrazy

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Betel is a kind of a fruit/nut that is a popular weak drug that locals in south east Asia has a (bad) habit of chewing. I tried it, and could not feel such a strong effect, but on the picture I must admit that I do look a little strange. PS: I did not “inhale” as presidents use to say.

Betel er en slags nøtt med en svak narkotisk effekt, populær i sørøst asia. Jeg merket ikke så mye av det når jeg tygde på den, men må jo inrømme at jeg ifall på bildet ble en smule sprø.
More http://rooneyarchive.net/lectures/lec_betel_chewing_in_south-east_asia.htm
Written by Shanghaiet @ 07:16. 0 comment(s)

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