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29. September, 2008

YueYang hospital of Traditional Chinese Medicine

Traditional medicine seems still to be popular in China, at least judging for the chaos of people in the hospital. This picture is of some of the 10+ lines of cues just to pay for the treatment, however reaching the front of the line the payment of only 30 rmb (for 5 kinds of treatment) was pleasantly affordable.

Tradisjonell medisin later til å forsatt være ganske poplært i Kina, iallfall om man skal måle etter kaoset av mennesker i dette sykehuset spesilalisert på tradisjonell medisin. Dette bildet viser bare folkemengden som står i kø for å betale, men når man omsider kom forrerst i køen så var prisen på 25 kr for totalt 5 forskjellige behandlingmetoder behagelig billig.
Written by Shanghaiet @ 06:02. 0 comment(s)

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