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26. November, 2007

Avondbrot - Home delivery

Waking up to fresh baked German bread on Sunday morning was a real
treat. In my neighbourhood, far from the expat neighbourhoods, good
bread is hard to come by. Then all the more appreciated, the authentic
german backer that opened a home delivery service. The heavy and dark
german bread, is the healthiest and only of its kind I have had in Shanghai.

Make your order at http://www.abendbrot.com.cn/

Frokosten er klar. Tysk brød levert på døra hver søndags morgen, et
fantastisk tilbud til folk som savner ordntlige bakevarer - og i området
jeg bor i av Shanghai er det stort sett vært mangelvare! Tysk svart
surdeigsbrød, av den virkelig tunge sorten ;).
Written by Shanghaiet @ 10:52. 0 comment(s)

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