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16. January, 2007

Sightseeing in Maihaugen

Lillehammer’s prime tourist destination Maihaugen was as beautiful as ever with all its beautiful old houses. Only some more snow was missing from making the perfect scenery.

观光Maihaugen (挪威传统的家)

Lillehammer 最好看的风景总是百看不厌,它表现了挪威的老建筑。即使没有很多雪,还是非常好看。

百看不厌[---厭] bǎikànbùyàn f.e. never tire of watching/reading
即使 ¹jíshǐ* conj. even; even if/though ◆cons. ∼ A yě B even though A (yet) B
观光[觀-] guānguāng v.o. go sightseeing; visit; tour
Written by Shanghaiet @ 04:52. 0 comment(s)

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