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17. June, 2009Conquering the dragon![]() You don’t conquer Himalaya without climbing it, and we had a similar approach with the Great Wall. We decided to ascend from JianKou. The women passed on it pretty fast, leaving my dad and I determined to reach the top. Not only the climb was estimated to two hours, we were in a rush because our driver was waiting, and then we ended up taking the wrong path (a very hard one) on top of that. The next 25 pictures are from a May holiday with my parents, and fiancée in Beijing. “Jiankou is one of the best places for a serious Great Wall enthusiast. It has a wide variety of places to climb. It has terrific scenery and offers great opportunities for photographers. It’s reasonably close to Beijing. And as the eastern meeting point of the inner and outer Ming Walls, it connects to long stretches of Great Wall in three directions.” More: http://www.greatwallforum.com/forum/jiankou/453-jiankou-great-wall-review.html Du overvinner ikke Himalaya uten å klatre opp på fjellet, og vi hadde ett lignende syn når det gjaldt den kinesiske muren. Vi valgte JianKou som utgangsposisjon. Damene ønsket ikke å være med så det var far og jeg fast bestmte på å nå toppen. Oppstigningen var estimert til 2 timer, vi måtte stresse da sjåføren og damene ventet, og ikke nok med det tok vi feil sti som viste seg å være nesten ufremkommelig. De neste 25 bildene er fra en ferie i Mai med mine foreldre og kjæreste. Written by Shanghaiet @ 16:19. 0 comment(s) |