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7. February, 2010

Cold mode of transport

Well not quite ice fishing, but pretty much the same sensation of sitting
down in a terribly cold place. Every morning, the bus sets out just where I
live and good thing to have a seat, but its so cold from not being operated
through the night. An hour later, after being tossed around by the force of
the big “fish”, I have managed to reel it in, and have arrived at work.

Denne bussen blir det nærmeste isfiske jeg har kommet i Kina. Følelsen er
omtrent den samme, jeg setter meg inn i en iskald buss som har stått natta
over. Fortsatt søvning blir jeg kastet frem og tilbake av den store ruggen i
en time, og med det har jeg ankommet jobben.
Written by Shanghaiet @ 05:16. 0 comment(s)

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