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29. October, 2006

The chef!

Chinese eat all their meals with chopsticks (/spoon), so they are not
used to eating beefsteak. The 2 kilo beef tenderloin of the highest
quality rated cost 90RMB pr kilo (70+ NOK)! The venue of the party was
Paal's place as he has a great kitchen with oven!, and space to host a
lot of people. With simple measures I made oven baked potatoes and
steak, and the key to success was the (not so healthy) cream-blue
cheese mushroom sauce. The tricky part in China can be finding the
ingredients. The title refers to the book of super chef Jamie Oliver's
book of the same name (I have an electronic copy), or..
More photos at www.eivindhagen.com



筷子 kuàizi n. chopsticks M:¹shuāng/¹fù
匙子 ²chízi n. spoon M:¹bǎ
举办[舉辦] jǔbàn* v. conduct; hold; run; sponsor
烤炉[-爐] kǎolú n. oven M:²zhī
容纳[-納] róngnà v. ①have the capacity for; accommodate ②tolerate; take in
食物 ¹shíwù n. food; edibles
Written by Shanghaiet @ 12:34. 0 comment(s)

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