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14. June, 2009

NIP Incubator Center inaguration

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The Nordic Industry business park where Marine-Aluminium is located keeps growing, recently the new Incubator and Business Service Center were inaugurated by prominent guests such as the consul generals of both Norway and Denmark. The park is constantly developing, and frequently we are invited to opening ceremonies and such. For the latest news, including coverage of the M-A opening please use the link below.

Den Nordiske industry parken hvor Marine Aluminiujm er plassert fortsetter å vokse, nylig ble det nye Inkubator og business service senterest inagurert av fremstående gjester som general konsulene av Norge og Danmark. Parken er under kontstant utvikling, og stadig vekk er det milepæler som oppnås, nye bedrifters åpnings sermonier og lignende. For mer info, se linken under til NIPs eget nyhetsbrev.

Written by Shanghaiet @ 18:03. 0 comment(s)

Ningbo Rocks

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It should have been ”Ningbo Rocks”, but it pretty much became “Ningbo rains” although in the end there were very little rain, and very good rock. NIP was the main sponsor, and we got free tickets, cheers.

Det het egentlig “Ningbo rocker”, men vi ble snarere møtt av“Ningbo regnskyll”, skjønt mot slutten var svært lite regn og veldig god rock. NIP var hovedsponsoren, og vi fikk gratis biletter, takk ;)
Written by Shanghaiet @ 18:01. 0 comment(s)

With good music comes grafitti

Fans of Rock also likes graffiti, here performed by professional artists and on assignment from the Ningbo Rocks administration.

Rockefans liker også graffiti, og her sprayes en langvegg med lerett mens rocken slår takten i bakgrunnen, alt i regi av Ningbo Rocks.
Written by Shanghaiet @ 18:00. 0 comment(s)

Dumpling experiment (ingredients and filling)

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We are adding the essential ingredients to make dumplings. We could buy it downstairs for next to nothing, but even if time consuming it can be fun to make food oneself.

Vi blander sammen de essensielle ingrediensene får fyllet til”dumplings” (kalles vistnok også ”smultboller” på norsk). Vi kunne kjøpt det ”på hjørnet”, men morsomt å prøve selv.
Written by Shanghaiet @ 17:58. 0 comment(s)

Dumpling experiment (processing and result)

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We use the thin bread (that turns out to be the wrong kind) to shape the filled flour dumplings, viola, dinner is served.

Vi bruker ferdiglagde melflag (visstnok feil sort/for tynne) og former til de fyllte smult dumplingene, og med ett er middagen servert.
Written by Shanghaiet @ 17:57. 0 comment(s)

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