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6. January, 2008Christmas present timeMy mother seems to be happy with all the gifts she has got, even a little overwhelmed, but as a loving mother with many children, there is a lot of affection to give back. The scarf from Kim, our Korean guest from last year, that she was very happy about how matched her colors. Mamma virker fornøyd med alle gavene hun har fått, ja faktisk litt overvelmet, men som en omsorgsfull mor med mange barn, skal man jo få litt tilbake også ;) Rundt halsen har hun skjerfet fra Koreanske Kim som var på besøk året før. Written by Shanghaiet @ 16:33. 0 comment(s) Core family gatheredA rare occation where father&mother with their 3 sons and 1 daughter are gathered and only them. Normally we are with a lot of other family/guests. But this was actually a little before Christmas, as we have a tradition of a bigger family gathering with children and wifes every 2 years in my home. "Kjernefamilen": En sjelden anledning, hvor far, mor, og de 4 barna var samlet (og bare de), men det var før jul riktignok. Written by Shanghaiet @ 16:27. 0 comment(s) ChristmastreeHave just arrived at home in Lillehammer, and my father shows proud this year’s Christmas tree catch (although it is actually not a good one, so no reason to be proud). Har akkurat ankommet Lillehammer, og fattern viser stolt frem årets juletre, skjønt ikke mye å være stolt over denne gangen ;) Written by Shanghaiet @ 16:23. 0 comment(s) Previous Page |